This transcript appears to be a video or audio clip discussing serious allegations related to Hollywood, focusing on Corey Feldman’s accusations against powerful figures in the industry, including Oprah Winfrey. The main points include:

Katt Williams EXPOSES Oprah | She is Trying To SACRIFICE Corey Feldman - YouTube

1. **Corey Feldman’s Accusations**: Feldman claims there are powerful individuals in Hollywood involved in exploiting young actors, including accusations that Oprah might be implicated in some of these activities.

2. **Hollywood’s Dark Side**: The clip highlights systemic issues within Hollywood, including the exploitation of young actors and the industry’s culture of silence. Feldman asserts that those who challenge the industry’s authority often face significant pushback.

3. **Barbara Walters’ Role**: There is criticism of Barbara Walters for allegedly focusing more on protecting Hollywood’s image than addressing Feldman’s claims during an interview. This includes public backlash and comparisons to other high-profile figures.

4. **Oprah Winfrey’s Controversies**: The transcript mentions various controversies surrounding Oprah, including her involvement with questionable figures and the Leadership Academy for Girls in South Africa, where there were scandals and criticism.

The overall tone of the transcript is one of skepticism and criticism towards prominent figures in Hollywood, emphasizing the need for more transparency and accountability within the industry.

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